The Farmers Branch Rotary Club

This unique club nestled in the heart of DFW is a proud “coffee club” that meets at 7:00am at Vivian Field Middle School in Farmers Branch Texas. Don’t have time to visit another Rotary at lunch? Stop by and have some coffee with this Rotary Club that boasts a small intimate club, but one that packs a powerful influential punch to the community! Our only goal is to help the Farmers Branch Community by putting service above self. Although we have been together a long time as a small and mighty club, we welcome any and all to join our Rotary family!

Learn About Us

We Take Actions Locally and Globally

Club Events

Rotary Youth Leadership

Each year we provide a Rotary Youth Leadership Award to 2 high school students and take them to the summer Leadership camp for 7 days.

Vivian Field Middle School

Vivian Field Middle School, built in 1960, is named in honor of Mrs. Tom (Vivian) Field. The Fields were active civic leaders in Farmers Branch for many years. Mr. Field, a former county commissioner, donated land for the first City Hall in Farmers Branch. Read more…

Also a staunch supporter of public education, he donated land for a new school, with the stipulation that the school be named after his wife, Vivian. Field Middle School is part of Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD, and is the largest school in the City of Farmers Branch. The Farmers Branch Rotary is a proud supporter of Vivian Field and the families the school serves. The Farmers Branch Rotary not only meets weekly, but each year raises money to purchase Christmas presents for over 30 families connected to Vivian Field.

High School Scholarships

Farmers Branch Rotary is pleased to sponsor 4 seniors from Farmers Branch with a scholarship of $500.00. We ask that you submit a resume and your connection to the Rotary organization to our email address at [email protected] no later than April 1st of the senior year in high school. We look for high school scholars who exhibit service above self, the Rotary motto

Four Way-Test Speech

We select 3 high school students who are participants in the regional Rotary 4 Way Speech Test. The winning student next goes to regionals where the winner will then go to State finals.

Farmers Branch Rotary Club 1st Annual AT Facult Pickleball Tournament

Farmers Branch Rotary Club will conduct its 1st Annual AT Fault Pickleball Tournament supporting local charities in 2025. Held at AT Fault Facilties in Farmers Branch, 2330 Jett Street, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 Read more..

Sponsorship opportunities are available for corporations and individuals, ranging from the Title Sponsor level of $5,000 down to individual hole sponsorships at $300. Sign up as a team of 4 or come as an individual to be paired on a team, and join others in this genuine effort to give back to the Farmers Branch community – and have a great day on the golf course while doing so!

Veterans Day

For more than 3 decades the Farmers Branch Rotary Club has provided and prepared an all American hot dog box lunch for some 500 attendees as part of the community Veteran’s Day celebration. Additionally, American flags are placed adjacent to veteran’s gravestones in the historic Keenan Cemetery.

Christmas Assistant Program

The Rotary Club every Christmas sponsors over 20 families that need assistance in providing their children with a happy Christmas. We as a group go to Walmart and go on a shopping spree of over $3500. Such fun to know we are truly participating I the sprit of Christmas of giving and especially to children.

Rotary Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas party is a family affair. It is potluck style and members bring their signifigant others. This night is a special night for the club to meet each member’s “better half” and experience fun and fellowship amongst friends.

At Fault Pickle Ball 1st Annual Tournament Sponsors

Our Projects

Golf Tournament

Veterans Day

Santa's House

Vivians Field Middle School

Xmas Shopping

Annual Toilet Drive

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